At age 48, I weighed 252 lbs. and was entering menopause. My cholesterol was high, blood pressure was high, and I was a size 16. I was exhausted, mentally and physically. I avoided activities, photos and hated how I looked and felt. I was miserable. To make matters worse, I knew better after all, I am a doctor and logically know what had to be done. I had no excuse.
I started my very long journey for weight loss and health. I tried everything...worked out 1- 2 hours a day 5-7 days a week with a trainer, balanced my hormones and thyroid, ate more chicken, broccoli and Greek yogurt than humanly tolerable. I did intermittent fasting and wrote down every morsel that went into my mouth. I never ate more than I burned. I ate 500 to 800 calories a day, multiple tiny meals, watched Macros, tried NOOM, HCG, Contrave and Phentermine, ate Keto, tried a strict alkaline diet and had even tried being a vegan. The amount of time, money and energy I spent was nothing short of a full time job.
I had the goal of being my ideal weight and feeling healthy by 50. Despite all this work, 50 came and went. I was still almost 200 pounds and a size 12. I honestly couldn't think of one more thing to do and then I found Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirzepitide). I paid $1,100 to $1,500 a month. I felt amazing. I dropped weight consistently and could not believe how easy it was in comparison to what I had gone through.
Within a year after starting GLP-1s I had lost the other 60lbs that I could never lose. At age 53, I weigh 136 lbs. and went from a size 12 to size 4-6 and I feel AMAZING. I have maintained that weight, continue to improve my health . My blood pressure is perfect as is my cholesterol. I am off prescription medication and I look and feel 15 years younger. I wish I found tirzepititde sooner because it would have saved time, money and frustration. I now use these tools to help hundreds of my patients of all ages achieve these goals and I want you to feel this way too!
Through my own experience, and those of my current patients, I have discovered a healthy, fast and easy way for you to reach your weight goal. Let me help you with your weight loss journey and you will see that reaching your weight and health goals is still possible no matter where you are starting.